Fine Art Prints

Now you can find some of my Fine Art Prints on Open Edition Gallery”. Every two months three pictures, from my personal photographic series, will be put on sale on this platform, in three different size.

Photography has always played a social and informative role. In the years of the digital image its role has not diminished, but the continuous flow of images has conveyed much of its enjoyment to entertainment, relegated to a few the pleasure of the materiality of the printed image and deprived many of the meditative and symbolic value of the individual image, the Fine Art Prints as photographic object.

OEG wants to create a virtuous system, based on the sale of open-edition prints that can, on one hand, feed and promote the work of Italian photographers and authors and the Cultural Association Perimetro promoting the project, on the other hand, maintain an identity dear to the tradition of the social use of photography. The choice of open-edition prints therefore becomes a choice of principle whose objectives respond to the desire to offer many people the opportunity to own a photographic work, to contribute to a social cause and, last but not least, to support the work of the authors.

The 10% of the proceeds will be destined to a charity project and administered by the Onlus Live in slums, a non-governmental organization in Italy and in developing countries that carries out humanitarian and social cooperation projects.

Faithful to the spirit of Perimetro, which has always promoted initiatives close to its own geographical reality, OEG will propose a wide range of Italian authors, or related to Italy, from the different fields of photography. In this sense OEG, with its communication activities becomes at the same time a promotional tool, gateway and showcase, also for the foreign public, for contemporary Italian photography and its authors.